Friday, August 5, 2016

Our Time is now!

So what do we do now? We're losing fortitude in the crusade as our kings and queens continue to fall down. We hold stop the violence rallies and there's venom when we speak but our neighborhoods are still crumbling and rivers of blood still stain our streets. We talk a good talk but where is our fight. And why are we so divided when trying to achieve new foresight. I read about a campaign on Instagram that says #somedayistoday and in the comment section an obtuse framed mind wrote 'yea okay'. So what is your solution to the problem or are you here just to instigate pain? Do you want to see real change or do you hope things stay the same? Were you born to play victim? Is there no 'warrior' in your blood? Is the self hate so deep that you changed the definition of love? I'm tired too but that doesn't mean give up. And if we expect true change then it's time to say Enough is Enough. Actions speak louder so please stand up. Position yourself in a place where they will have no choice but to listen. Cue judges, lawyers, police officers, and yes politicians. Become that community leader that went on to change history. Redefine who we are instead of living life bitterly. Please... This is critical. We can't afford to continue to be so cynical. So I stand with the campaign #Somedayistoday because I refuse to accept that it was all a dream.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


I was contemplating suicide just a week ago.
One bullet to the head
Who in Hell would know
Risk it all
Give it all away for my sanity
Never understood why people are constantly coming for me.
The difference between you and me is I didn't pull the trigger.
Facing the image in the mirror-A powerful figure.
Wondering how and when did I get to this dead end.
 Frustrated by it all
I just want it to end.
Start fresh
Begin anew
Even if it's in eternity.
Death looks beautiful when you've lost your sanity,
And your vision,
And your dreams have become obsolete.
The only thing you end up grasping is defeat
Tired of my day to day
Distracted by novel success.
Sick of hearing people say 'This is just a test'
Give it a rest!
My life's a mess!
Struggling with what I see and my reality
Reminiscing of days past
What happened to me?
I was contemplating suicide just a week ago
One bullet to the head
Who but Hell would know?
Risk it all
Give it all away, for my sanity
For my sanity
For my sanity?
Reaching for outside sources, but no one can save me.

I Speak

I want my raw emotions on paper.
I need to release.
I'm not trying to hold you long
I just want to state my peace
I speak strength,
I speak lust,
Dialect my future, intertwined with fate.
Realizing my now. Knowing God made no mistakes.
I speak my truths.
Some hurts.
Others pain.
A challenging youth.
I apologize for nothing that I may say, because if you walked the path that I have, your words, you too would slay.
I'm comfortable with this.
Accepting that all things are for a reason, and to stop now would mean that I'm no longer breathing...
I speak.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


I can't hold on to two .
To hold on to one means I forsake the other and I'm tired of playing tug of war. I mean my hands are sore. Tired of forsaking my heart for yours. 
Staring in the mirror trying to convince Perfect that its flawless. Not realizing that your perfect regardless. 
He points out my fine lines, my blemish, the extra weight so under his voice my eminence diminish. 
 I can't hold on to two. To give into one means to neglect the other and I'm left empty. Now even I resent me. I keep neglecting the one who sent me. So I return to the position of grace. Bow my head and pray... Again.